Sunday, 22 July 2012

8 week scan...a few days early....

Sorry about the lack of's been an emotionally draining week or two....I made it through the due date of our last pregnancy, barely...I might add....that one ended at 10 weeks; we are now at 8 weeks with this still walking on eggshells...our ultrasound showed a single live fetus with heartrate of 166. CRL measures 7 weeks 4 days...right on target.....also have another surprise for you...we have decided to go ahead and do a frozen transfer to one surrogate and that was scheduled for hopefully, we will hear some good news soon....the only concern I have is the trickiness of baby pickup for babies born approx 6 weeks apart...or what if the first one comes early or if they have the possibility of having to home school two children while in India and take care of newborns and paperwork.....well..for now I shall try to limit my worrying to the pregnancy and making it to delivery and save other worries for the future....there shall be plenty of time to worry about that...